
Interesting Facts of Sant Dnyaneshwar | ज्ञानेश्वर महाराज | ARTHA | AMAZING FACTS

2019-02-05 52 Dailymotion

Back in the thirteenth century, only a few people of the society got the chance to learn the Sanskrit as it was a prestigious language. Along with that, all the religious and other books were written in the Sanskrit language, which made it unavailable for the masses and lower classes. At such a stage in the history of Maharashtra, Saint Dyaneshwar arose as a mentor on the horizon of knowledge, who took to spiritual writing in the language of the people at a young age. Here’s all that you need to know about Saint Dnyaneshwar.

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1 Sant Gyaneshwar was a Vaishnavite poet-saint of Maharashtra, who was generally known by the name Dnyaneshwar.

2 Sant Gyaneshwar is also referred to as Dyandeva, Gyaneshwar Maharaj or Mauli by the Maharashtrian devotees.

3 The saint got famous as a devoted believer of Lord Krishna, devotional poet, preacher and first original philosopher to write in the Marathi language.

4 There are many legends famous about young Gyaneshwar and his siblings, Nivruttinath, Sopan and Muktabai, who spread the message of brotherhood and Bhagwat Dharma.

5 He wrote hymns of praise to Vithoba and Rakhumai of Pandharpur, who are widely worshiped as a form of Lord Krishna and Rukhmini in Maharashtra.

6 His commentary on the Srimad Bhagavad Geeta written in old Marathi is the most appreciated and revered text in Maharashtra.

7 His literary work includes the collection of the Bhajans (religious songs) and spiritual books, namely Amritanubhava, Abhangas, Gyaneshvari (Bhavartha Deepika) and the Changadeva Pasashti.

8 Gyaneshwar took Samadhi at the age of 22 at Alandi near the Krishna River, which is now an important pilgrimage site, annually visited by many followers.

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